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Pack Seal

Achieving a quality seal is critical for the performance, longevity, and protecting components of the battery from water and other harsh environmental conditions.

Battery pack seals or gaskets must meet design and regulatory enclosure standards. For example, an IP68 rating means that the seal will protect against water intrusions, corrosion, and outside contaminants.

Manufacturers meet these standards by robotically dispensing a bead of one or two component material around the perimeter of the battery pack in one of two ways:

Cure in place gasketing (CIPG): The dispensed material cures before assembly, creating a compression gasket in the pack seal joint.

Form in place gasketing (FIPG): The material is dispensed and assembled immediately, allowing the material to cure over time.

To ensure a durable, reliable seal, gasketing must be clean, precise and repeatable. Bead placement, flow rate, volume of material dispensed, and mix ratios for two component materials are critical.

Customer advantage –

  • Critical for the performance, longevity, and overall protection
  • Protects against water intrusions, corrosion, & outside contamin
Here are solutions offered by Patvin: 

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